Communication, exploration, and acceptance are key in maintaining sexual intimacy after birth, partners should focus on pleasure, connection rather than specific sexual acts.
The more dehydrated you are, the more dehydrated baby will be and the less amniotic fluid you'll have.Preparing for the unexpected allows you to go there safely in labor.
Thyroid function may be affected during pregnancy, monitor thyroid hormone levels. The musculoskeletal system experiences joint laxity and changes in posture, which can lead to back pain. The GI system may be affected by symptoms such as GERD, constipation, and morning sickness.
Somatics is the idea that our body is intelligent, that our body is both the place that we put our trauma and like our struggles, that it can store those things. And that is also the way to move through them.
Awareness of proper posture and alignment is crucial for core strength and functional mobility.The coordination between the core and pelvic floor is essential for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.Taking time to heal during the fourth trimester is important for overall well-being.