Kelly Dean, founder of the Tummy Team, shares her journey of discovering the importance of core strength and functional mobility before and after pregnancy. She emphasizes the need for awareness of proper posture and alignment, as well as the coordination between the core and pelvic floor. Kelly provides practical tips and exercises to strengthen the core and improve overall well-being. She also highlights the significance of the fourth trimester and the importance of allowing the body time to heal after childbirth. Kelly's approach focuses on empowering women to feel strong and connected to their bodies throughout their motherhood journey.
Awareness of proper posture and alignment is crucial for core strength and functional mobility.
The coordination between the core and pelvic floor is essential for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
Taking time to heal during the fourth trimester is important for overall well-being.
Small changes in daily routines and habits can make a significant difference in core strength and overall health.
Seeking support and resources from experts can provide guidance and empowerment throughout the motherhood journey.
"Just because it's common, doesn't mean it's normal."
"Elongate. The biggest thing you can do for your core is elongate."
"The body has a natural capacity to heal. We're supposed to have babies and not fall apart."
00:00Introduction and Background of Kelly Dean
06:17The Importance of Core Strength and Functional Mobility
13:23Posture and Alignment for a Strong Core
26:43Honoring the Fourth Trimester: Allowing the Body to Heal
39:26Small Changes, Big Impact: Incorporating Core Strengthening into Daily Life
43:47Empowering Women: Seeking Support and Resources for a Healthy Motherhood Journey
core strength, functional mobility, pregnancy, postpartum, diastasis, pelvic floor, posture, alignment, coordination, fourth trimester

Hands Free Mama - Rachel Macy Stafford
“When you finally let go of perfection, you discover it wasn’t necessary to carry all that weight to become the person you were meant to be.”

Kelly Dean
Kelly Dean is a physical therapist and founder of The Tummy Team. She has over 25 years of experience but was motivated to do this work because of her own motherhood journey. She personally struggled with 5 miscarriages and 3 complicated full term births. Her own motherhood journey left her feeling broken and weak. She discovered she had a 6 finger diastasis and severe functional core weakness that no one in the medical field could address so she created what she needed. Now she works with clients around the globe, teaches at university and professional conferences and is on a mission to help women know better so they can have a better experience throughout their pregnancy, birth, birth recovery and beyond.
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