Inspiring Parenting Quotes: Insights from Top Books In this episode of the Best Birth Podcast, various influential books and impactful quotes are explored, providing insights for better parenting and personal growth. The host shares a collection of quotes, emphasizing themes like self-compassion, resilience, emotional growth, and the importance of understanding children's needs. Featured books include 'The Fringe Hours' by Jessica Turner, 'Self-Compassion' by Kristin Neff, 'The Five Love Languages of Children' by Gary Chapman, and many more. The discussions highlight effective parenting strategies, the significance of emotional regulation, and the transformational journey of both parents and children. Listeners are encouraged to embrace these insights for personal development and enriched family dynamics.
00:00 Introduction to the Best Birth Podcast
00:52 Quotes on Time Management and Sleep
01:26 Parenting Insights from Various Authors
02:52 The Importance of Self-Compassion
03:17 Music and Mental Load in Parenting
04:02 Teaching Resilience and Emotional Regulation
04:38 Discipline and Household Responsibilities
05:36 Embracing Emotions and Connection
06:24 Raising Resilient and Mentally Strong Kids
08:39 Understanding and Supporting Different Child Personalities
09:21 Simplifying Parenting and Encouraging Play
09:57 The Power of Love and Presence
11:24 Brene Brown's Wisdom on Parenting
12:31 Positive Reinforcement and Compassion
12:57 Balancing Self-Care and Parenting
16:10 Guiding Teenagers Through Transitions
19:54 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
The Fringe Hours by Jessica Turner
“Time is a gift, and how we choose to use it reflects what we value. Reclaim your fringe hours and fill them with what brings you joy and fulfillment.”
12 hours sleep by 12 weeks old
"Because they are well-rested, these babies will be more alert and more willing to listen during their awake times, which in turn means they will be more active learners."
A dude dads guide to baby size - Taylor Calmus
"By week thirty-four, your little lopper is now the size of a sixteen-inch largemouth bass that weighs four to five pounds!"
Resilient- how to grow an unshakable core of calm, strength and happiness- Rick Hanson ph.d
"Allowing yourself to be vulnerable doesn’t mean you are weak. It means you are strong enough to accept help, listen to your body, and trust the process."
Good Moms have scary thoughts - Karen Kleiman
“Sometimes the thoughts are too scary to say out loud. But the truth is, having scary thoughts doesn’t make you a bad mom. It makes you human. Recognizing them is the first step toward healing.”
90 Seconds to the Life You'll Love - Joan Rosenberg
“By staying present with your emotional discomfort, you build resilience and the confidence to face future challenges.”
The 5 Love Languages of Children - Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell
"Discover your child's primary language—then speak it—and you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child."
Self Compassion - Kristin neff
"Self-compassion is a way of emotionally recharging our batteries. Rather than becoming drained by life’s difficulties, self-compassion allows us to thrive and grow."
I Am Malala - "It is my belief that God sends the solution first and the problem later."
The music advantage - Anita Collins phd
"Music has the potential to positively benefit almost all aspects of a child's development, whether it's through formal education or mindful appreciation"
Fair Play - Eve Rodsky
Fair Play Quote “Mental load is the invisible work that goes into managing a household and a family. It’s the thinking, planning, and organizing that often goes unnoticed and unacknowledged.”
Parenting with Love and Logic
“It’s not our job to protect children from all of life’s challenges, but to help them learn how to navigate those challenges with confidence.” "The best way to inspire a child to do better in the future is to give him an opportunity to do better in the present. A punishment makes him feel bad about himself. Making amends helps him feel good about himself and helps him to see himself as a person who can do good."
1,2,3 Magic - Thomas Phelan
"The two biggest discipline mistakes made by adults are too much talking and too much emotion. Keep calm and be consistent"
The good news about bad behavior - Katherine Reynolds Lewis
"Household jobs can build a child's capability, helping them practice independence and autonomy, foster connection with the family, and help them become capable adults. Instead of simply levying a punishment in the moment, parents should come up with agreements with their kids and clearly define the consequences for violating them."
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids - Laura Markham
"Children raised in a home in which there are limits on behavior but not on feelings grow up understanding that all emotions are acceptable, a part of being human"
Parenting With Love and Logic - Charles Fay and Foster Cline
"Children need to experience failure in order to learn resilience and problem-solving skills."
The Whole Brain Child - Daniel Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
"Avoid solving and resist rescuing, even when they make minor mistakes or not-so-great choices."
Raising Mentally Strong Kids - Amy Morin
"Mentally strong kids are resilient and they have the courage and confidence to reach their full potential."
Good Inside - Dr. Becky Kennedy
"Shame doesn’t change people–it only pushes them further into a spiral of darkness. Connection is light, binding us together. When we pause to give grace in tough moments, we build our connection with our kids."
The Explosive Child - Ross Greene
"Labeling a child as 'manipulative' or 'defiant' only perpetuates the problem."
Raising Boys - Steve Biddulph
"Every boy needs a mentor. Boys need to see adult men in their lives who are kind, loving, and respectful."
The Anxious Generation - Jonathan Height
"Unprotected from the powers of technology-companies, overprotected from normal childhood adventures, it is no surprise that so many Gen Zers are sad, lonely, fearful, wracked with the sense they will never measure up to the starry standards of others."
Raising Good Humans - Hunter Clarke-Fields
"Children are not distractions from more important work. They are the most important work."
The Big Leap - Gay Hendricks
"Fear is just an illusion; it's time to step into the unknown and trust in our abilities."
Child Whisperer - Carol Tuttle
There are 4 types of children she categorizes in this book - Fun loving, Sensitive, Determined, More Serious - When you understand your child’s energy type, you can tailor your parenting to meet their needs and strengths, creating a harmonious and supportive environment.”
Womb - Leah Hazard
"The womb is the most miraculous organ in the body – with the power to bring life or cause death; to yield joy or pain – yet most of us know almost nothing about it."
Simplicity Parenting Kim John Payne and Lisa M. Ross
“As you simplify your life, you will find that the everyday activities of family life present opportunities for greater connection, meaning, and joy.” "When you simplify a child's 'world,' you prepare the way for positive change and growth. You make space for connection, creativity, and relaxation."
Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff:
"Children need time and space to play and explore their interests - it is through these experiences that they learn and grow and develop essential life skills."
Only love today Rachel Macey Stafford
"Only love today is clarity when you’re conflicted. Only love today is unity when you’re divided. Only love today is faith when you’re uncertain. Only love today is a reset button directing you back to what matters most."
Hands Free Mama - Rachel Macy Stafford
"Being responsible for someone’s childhood is a big deal. We not only create our own memories, but we create our child’s memories."
Hands free life Rachel Macey-Stafford
"The most meaningful life experiences don't happen in the 'when,' they happen in the 'now.'"
I thought it was just me, but it isn't - Brené Brown
"There is a constant barrage of social expectations that teach us that being imperfect is synonymous with being inadequate. Everywhere we turn, there are messages that tell us who, what, and how we’re supposed to be. So we learn to hide our struggles and protect ourselves from shame, judgment, criticism, and blame by seeking safety in pretending and perfection."
Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
"You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you cannot choose both."
The gifts of Imperfection Brené Brown
"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship"
The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting: Raising Children with Courage, Compassion, and Connection. - Brené brown
"Your child's worth is not determined by their achievements or milestones."
Parenting the strong willed Child - Rex Forehand
"Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for shaping behavior. When you catch your child doing something right and acknowledge it, you reinforce that behavior and encourage its repetition."
The Book of Joy- Dalai Lama & Desmond tutu
"A compassionate concern for others’ well-being is the source of happiness… a self-centered attitude is the source of the problem. We have to take care of ourselves without selfishly taking care of ourselves. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we cannot survive. We need to do that. We should have wise selfishness rather than foolish selfishness"
Christlike Parenting- Glenn Latham
"Discover the secret that will help your child to disregard peer pressure and make smart choices—for life"
The coddling of the American Mind- Jonathan Haidt
“We must learn to cultivate the virtues of humility, open-mindedness, and intellectual courage in order to seek truth, engage in constructive dialogue, and work toward a more just and inclusive society.”
Breaking the habit of being yourself - joe dispenza
"When our behaviors match our intentions, when our actions are equal to our thoughts, when our minds and our bodies are working together, when our words and our deeds are aligned … there is an immense power behind any individual."
You are not a Sh*tty parent- Carla Namburg
"The fact is, great parenting starts with true self-compassion, the kind that means you don’t judge yourself. Harnessing this self-compassion is the key to giving yourself a break and embracing your best qualities as a parent."
Strong Mothers, Strong Sons- Meg Meeker
"The crucial role mothers play in expressing love to sons in healthy ways so they learn to respect and appreciate women as they grow up."
Create Anyway -the joy of pursuing creativity in the margins of motherhood - Ashlee gadd
"Your creative work matters, even if it’s done in the margins of motherhood. Motherhood can be the catalyst that refines and hones your creative passions."
Self compassion for parents - Susan m pollak
"Remember that self-compassion doesn’t eradicate pain or negative experiences, it just embraces them with kindness and gives them space to transform on their own."
Untangeled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood - Lisa Damour
"When a teenage girl’s behavior seems completely mysterious, it’s a sign that she’s working through one or more of the seven transitions that make up the arc of adolescence."
The seven Transitions are: Parting with Childhood
Joining a New Tribe
Harnessing Emotions
Contending with Adult Authority
Planning for the Future
Entering the Romantic World
Caring for Herself
How to Hug a Porcupine - Julie Ross
"Our preteens need for us to remain emotionally connected and stable, because they're so unstable during this period. They need to know that we may not love their behavior but that, despite the fact that they're uncomfortable during their metamorphosis, we aren't going anywhere, and we will continue to love them."
Preteen Wise: Parenting Your Child from Eight to Twelve Years - Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam
"Finding relational equilibrium with your maturing child is one of the more difficult tasks of parenthood. But by the end of this growth period, a healthy restructuring of relationships needs to have occurred for both you and your child."
The Teenage Brain - Frances Jensen
"There are other misconceptions and myths about the teenage brain and teenage behavior that are now so ingrained they are accepted societal beliefs: teens are impulsive and emotional because of surging hormones; teens are rebellious and oppositional because they want to be difficult and different, This developmental imbalance results in teenagers being more susceptible to making risky decisions, especially under peer pressure, and struggling with self-control in emotionally charged situations. Understanding these neurobiological changes provides a clearer picture of teenage behavior beyond the oversimplified explanation of surging hormones
The Success of Failure - Mike Bensi
"Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength."
Easy to love, Difficult to Discipline Becky A. Bailey
"Every conflict presents you with a choice. You can choose to view conflict as an opportunity to teach or as an opportunity to blame and punish."
The New Menopause
"Menopause is inevitable, but suffering through it is not!"
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Jen Banks
Jen is a dedicated educator with dual bachelor's degrees in elementary education and early childhood education. She transitioned from second-grade teaching to nurturing preschoolers at home. Jen is most passionate about supporting moms in maintaining identity throughout motherhood. She is a mother of three boys ages 6, 3, and 2. Jen is the host of the podcast A is for Adversity and her first book will be published in August - Let Yourself Bloom. She is an avid reader, baking enthusiast, and collector of inspirational quotes.
Sarah Ziroll
Sarah is a musician, birth coach, wife and mother, raising boys who are 7,4 and 2! She loves making everything a bit more exciting with an over the top DIY project - like buying a house, then painting all the walls, doors and trim when the third baby is 4 months old. Her life's mission is to infect others with happiness and radiate positivity. Dedication, Diligence and Determination are three words she strives to live by! She is a yellow personality and a social butterfly!
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