"If I had to give one word to describe that second birth, it would be surrender." "The best piece of advice I can give you for their ears to equalize is breastfeeding or bottle feeding or offering a pacifier for takeoff and landing."
"Partnering with parents and caring for their kids". "The OB is in charge until the baby comes out". "Delayed cord clamping is the standard of care". "Learn to eat when you're hungry.""Reflux is a normal thing."
Just have a little bit of self-compassion and compassion for yourselves as a couple. The way you handle yourself when you're not getting what you want determines the marriage.
With the NICU, you do not see that your baby is going to get whisked away to the NICU. If they're on CPAP, it's not safe for us to be trying to breastfeed or bottle feed because of the risk of aspiration.
Put that baby skin to skin, because that's going to really help that blood sugar regulation and temperature regulation.Enjoy that time, because it just goes so fast.