A Doula can be the added support during pregnancy, delivery or the postpartum period. A Doula is a birth support specialist that is trained in multiple areas, allowing them to provide emotional, physical, and informational support to a mother who is expecting, is experiencing labor, or has recently given birth. When interviewing potential Doula's, you may want to ask questions that will help you understand their values. A few questions to start your conversation:
"What is your philosophy on birth?"
"Do you have personal preferences of providers in the area?"
"What does advocacy look like for you?"
"Do you have any boundaries on the types of clients/births you won't work with?"
"How do you help me to prepare prenatally for my birth?"
"What is your work experience?"
"Do you have a backup doula, and how would payment work out if you can't support my birth"
"What services are included in your package (s)?"
"Do you have VBAC experience? Are there any doctors/midwives you'd recommend for my TOLAC?"
"In what ways can you support my partner?"
"Do you speak up for the things you know are important to me in the event I'm unable to speak, or to at least facilitate a conversation of informed consent?"
"If my labor is long, will you remain with me, replace yourself with a backup, or take a short break to care for yourself?"
"How do you feel about supporting me in my birth preferences (insert your birth preferences here)?"
"Do you have an agenda for birth? Or are you flexible?"
"Do you provide physical resources, such as a birthing ball or TENS unit?"
As you mindfully consider how your birth team will affect your birth. Remember this quote by Penny Simkin, author of The Birth Partner, “The kind of professional care and emotional support a woman receives during labor determines whether she looks back on the experience with satisfaction and fulfillment or with disappointment, sadness, and even anger."
Create your dream team so you feel an abundance of satisfaction with your Birth Made Mindful!
Article by Sarah Ziroll

Sarah’s greatest joy is her family: her husband and boys. In her free time, she loves escaping in a great book, “Sarahnading” on her violin, singing, creating crafts and diy projects, hiking the gorgeous mountains of Utah and skiing. Sarah is a Birth Coach and Certified Birth Doula. She’s had 3 amazing births and is passionate to help you achieve the birth of your dreams.
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