Postpartum care 101 often doesn't address the issue of chaffing after birth. And we're not talking about going to the beach and getting a suit full of sand. After your bundle of joy arrives, you'll be changing your baby's diapers and wearing diapers yourself, and the result is not always pleasant.

Postpartum bleeding will vary for each individual, but most women will want to manage diaper rash before it rages.
PERI BOTTLE! Minimize the amount of contact by using a peri bottle and pat instead of wiping. Most hospitals or birthing centers will include a bottle in your take home kit.
SHOWER DAILY! Staying clean is going to help minimize your susceptibility to rashes. If your skin feels sensitive, avoid harsh soaps. Before showering, in order not to stress about drips while changing your pad or diaper, place your trash can right outside the shower, and remove your diaper or pad while standing in the shower.
AIR DRY! As often as possible, get naked and air dry. During a feeding session, you can lay out a towel, and even set up a fan to get completely dry. Allowing moisture to dissipate instead of getting trapped will be immensely beneficial.
CREAM! Utilize a barrier cream such as petroleum jelly, aquaphor or coconut oil. As a cyclist myself, I used a cream I had on hand called Chamois-Buttr intended for biking, but also great for my post baby booty.
PADS! Switch to cloth pads, or the smallest pad possible and change often. For an added measure of healing, you can make your own padsicles, or frozen pads with witch hazel and aloe vera.
UNDERWEAR! Depends or period panties such as Thinx offer protection. For the week following birth, I personally liked wearing depends for full coverage and comfort.
Postpartum care is especially difficult when you are caring for your newborn, yourself and potentially other children. We hope these simple suggestions will simplify and remove stress!
Article Written by Sarah Ziroll

Check out our course - Birth Made Mindful and the Fourth Trimester for additional education on pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.