Birth Story shared graciously by Annie Globke - February 5, 2025
I got my VBAC! With my big baby!!! My boy was born 9 lbs 9 oz., 21.5 inches.
My main birth goals, which were met include…
1. To be✨alert, awake, and present✨ ✅
2. No C-section, no induction, no hemorrhaging, no tearing ✅
3. Catch my own baby & bring directly to chest ✅
4. Cut my own cord after it turns white and stops pulsating ✅
5. Golden hour ✅
My first baby measured large at her 36 week ultrasound, so my OB (not the OB who actually delivered my baby) really pushed me to do a 39 week induction based on the ARRIVE trial and she made me very concerned for shoulder dystocia, almost coercing me. (You don’t know what you don’t know). I went in and began my induction only 1cm, 50% effaced, -3 station. (Not ready). Cytotec, foley balloon, Pitocin, AROM in that order. After hours of laboring on Pitocin, my baby was face presenting, so I stopped progressing at 5 cm, and I went for a C-section with my current OB who was on call that night. I felt a lot of excruciating pain during the procedure and severely hemorrhaged after my placenta was removed. I almost required a hysterectomy. I required every intervention for hemorrhage and a uterine artery embolization (UAE) to ultimately stop the bleeding after losing 3 L of blood. I was not reunited with my baby for 3 hours. I was given sedatives including fentanyl, versed, ketamine, and propofol. She was born 9 lbs, 14 oz. Certainly, a big baby!
I had a lot of trauma to work through (another story for another day). I educated myself on the reason for my hemorrhage. And when I got pregnant again, I listened to most episodes on the VBAC link podcast and got a ton of support from women on this page. I did the Mile’s circuit, spinning babies, side lying release, watched Built to Birth birth ball exercises on YouTube, walked a lottttt, ate dates, drank Raspberry leaf tea. I educated myself mostly with ACOG, Evidenced based birth, VBAC link blogs. I used Made for This Birth to find an amazing doula. I prayed to God all the time to please let this birth be different.

Due to my history of Uterine Artery Embolization after my hemorrhage, my OB and the high risk fetal maternal medicine doctors recommended serial growth scans. Fast forward to my 36 week ultrasound and my baby was measuring almost 9 lbs already. Projected to be just shy of 11 lbs at 40 weeks.
I had countless discussions with my OB, who previously saved my life and my uterus, and she was totally supportive of TOLAC. She wanted the birth for me that I wanted. ❤️
I consented to a membrane sweep at 38 weeks + 3 days. I lost my mucus plug and bloody show and had a ton of cramping and Braxton Hicks. I consented to another membrane sweep at 39 weeks + 1 day. I started having real contractions on the way to my car from that appointment! By the time I got home, we were getting my toddler picked up and loading up the car to go to the hospital! I couldn’t believe it!
When we arrived to the hospital, my doula met us there. My VBAC supportive OB wasn’t able to make it 😭 I was 5 cm, contractions were 1 minute long every 2 minutes, and I requested an epidural. Things were moving quickly and my contractions were getting closer! I consented to getting checked again after we settled into our room. I was 6 cm and the doctor accidentally broke my water during the check. I was feeling a lot of pressure a few hours later, so I got checked again, and I was 9 cm!!! I was in such disbelief. I couldn’t believe my body was really doing all of this “on its own” because last time a full induction and hours on Pitocin didn’t even work. I was complete and began pushing an hour later. After 1 hour and 17 minutes of pushing, my baby boy was born! A successful VBAC! He was NOT 11 lbs. He was smaller than my first baby! I don’t think I was the only one in the room in disbelief that this actually happened.
My nurse, my doula, my husband, everyone on my team was literally the best support system I could’ve ever asked for. They helped me move and get through every hard part of labor and ultimately push out my big baby safely! They helped me get my beautiful and redemptive birth! ❤️
There were times where the OB on call and her residents were really negative, not believing in me, trying to check me or augment labor when it was unnecessary. Talking about impending C-section to avoid being in labor for too long and putting me at risk for hemorrhaging again. I chose to give my body time. And it didn’t take long! My doula, nurse, and husband truly were amazing when it came to helping me advocate for myself. I was educated. I knew what my body needed to give myself the best chance possible at a safe VBAC and avoid hemorrhaging.
That ring of fire ⭕️🔥 is some of the worst pain I’ve had in my life. Aside from my C-section. The thing about it is, it was temporary and productive and exciting!! The C-section pain was traumatic and then it lasted for weeks on end reminding me of the trauma.
I’m still sitting here in disbelief. I’m honored to share my story with this community. So many of you have instilled hope and strength in my heart. I hope my story does the same for you.
~ Annie Globke
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