The internet says that birth affirmations don't work. It says, "you can't just think positively and have a pain free birth." And they are absolutely correct. Your brain will not believe what it
Be FLEXIBLEWhile we typically expect a baby’s NICU stay to last until sometime around their due date, the reality is that it’s not always that straightforward. Some babies will go home
Anita Collins , Phd There are many takeaways in The Music Advantage by Dr. Anita Collins. Music learning trains the auditory processing network which is also primarily responsible for language learning and the auditory
Why do we fear birth? Because we are taught to fear birth. Because birth has been medicalized and hospitalized, children no longer see their mother’s give birth at home, it’s not
Preparing for Labor is essential! We liken the event to the final exam of a tough college course. Even if you have attended the lectures and done your homework, you know that when